Macross World Convention Presents: Deculture: A Tribute to Macross


The Macross World convention is a one day event where tons of Macross fans gather under one roof. The show will have exclusive releases, Macross Gear, toys, vendors, special guest signings, and of course a performance from the one and only Mari Iijima aka Lynn Minmay from the series. Not only that, but they will be hosting their very first art show. “Deculture: A Tribute to Macross”. This show will feature some amazingly talented artists, who include Heejin Park, Maria Vitan, Cole Lemke, Mary J. Hoffman, Tou Vue, Sho Murase, Danny Doublin, as well as a few familiar names, Jerome Lu, Chito “KWESTONE” Arellano and Tracy Tubera. The event will take place this Saturday, October 5th from 12-7PM at the Torrance Cultural Center. Get more information on the event HERE and be sure to register HERE by October 3rd for a discounted price on tickets! Check out Chito and Jerome’s submissions below!

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