Macross World’s Deculture: A Tribute To Macross Art Pieces Available Now!


It was just a few weekends ago that the Macross World Convention took place. Now the remaining pieces from the Deculture: A Tribute to Macross art show are now available for purchase online! They few remaining pieces are definitely some you don’t want to miss out on, which include artwork by Heejin Park, Maria Vitan, Mary J. Hoffman, and Sho Murase. You can see more detailed information on the pieces HERE and be sure to send an email to art.macrossworld[at]gmail[dot]com for inquiries.

20131005_MWCon2013_1146-Medium-600x400 20131005_MWCon2013_1148-Medium-600x400 Heejin-Park-2-85-429x600 Heejin-Park-3-85-432x600 Heejin-Park-5-85-432x600 Maria-Vitan-_My-Boyfriend-Is-A-Pilot_-60-600x404 Maria-Vitan-2-_Space-Opera_-90-400x600 Sho-Murase-2-750-400x600Mary-J.-Hoffman-1-225-600x403 Mary-J.-Hoffman-3-225-600x466