Preview: Super Cooper’s ‘Music to My Ears’ (8.24) at Toy Art Gallery


Super Cooper Berella continues his artful birthday tradition with the opening of ‘Music to My Ears’ on Saturday (8.24) @ TAG. His fifth straight curated birthday group show, this one focuses on music as an inspiration for art.  As with his past exhibitions, proceeds from the show will benefit organizations that are making a difference — CHAMPS (an art high school) and Book Bridge, a charity that donates books and other items to children in the Philippines), are this year’s beneficiaries.  

Music to My Ears will feature paintings, drawings, custom toys and more from 70+ artists including:  100% Soft, Adrienne Gates, Alice Koswara, Alyson Flescher, Anthony Ausgang, babyvtec, BeeFy, Bella Berella, Big C, Brian Castleforte, Butch Adams, Cameron Edison, Chikuwaemil, Chris Granillo, Christopher Bonnette, Dani Bowman, Dave Bondi, Dave MacDowell, Dave Pressler, Donna Letterese, doubleparlour, D-rock, EMMELLDA EOS, Eric Broers, Erica Wexler, Frank Schaefer, FrankenFactory, Germs, Gift Riley-Norman, Hints & Spices (Shane Haddy), J Salvador, J*Ryu, Jay222, Jermaine Rogers, Jerome Lu (above), Jorge Guitierrez, Josh Marlar, Josh Mayhem, Juan Muniz, Kenth Toy Works, Kevin Dickson, Kii Arens, Lap Ngo, Leesasaur, Lola, Marta Harris, Martin Ontiveros, Matt Hawkins, Mike Die, Mike Slobot, Mikie Graham, Misha, Munktiki, Mylene “I Got Sole” Tolentino, Naoto Hattori, Nathan Hamill, nati513, Obscure, Plasticgod, Podgypanda, Rampage Toys, Rick O’Brien, Shayne Maratea (Blamo Toys), Shelby Barrett-Whitmore, Spencer Hansen (Blamo Toys), Super Cooper Berella, Taskone, Them Dollz, Tim Clarke, UNCLE, Yoskay Yamamoto, Yuu Tihara, Zieromuko.

Hit the jump for a look at a few of the pieces created for the show.

Super Cooper’s Music to My Ears
Opening: Saturday August 24th 2013 (7-10 PM)

Toy Art Gallery
7571 Melrose Ave.
Hollywood, CA 90046 (8697)


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