Thinkspace is providing the space and Ad Hoc Art is providing the artists. “From The Streets Of Brooklyn” is a group show filled with over 40 Artists from Brooklyn, NY. Just a taste of participating artists include: Abe Lincoln Jr.,Acne, AIKO, AnerA, Avoid Pi, avone, Bast, Bloke, c.damage, Celso, Chris Stain, DAIN, Dan Witz, Dark Clouds, ELBOW-TOE, Ellis G., ELC (Endless Love Crew), Faro, Gaia and the rest of the alphabetical list continues. You can check out a sneak peak of what the artists have to contribute to the show on Thinkspace’s Flickr here. Opening night is on Friday, January 9th and is open until February 6th. So be sure to stop by Thinkspace in Los Angeles to get a taste of some Brooklyn street art.
Thinkspace Art Gallery
4210 Santa Monica Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90029