One Up Seventh Anniversary (4.1.08)

One Up has quietly grown from a Japanese retail store into an exciting vinyl company featuring very limited run Japanese vinyl from a group of up and coming Japanese artists.  They will celebrate their 7th Anniversary with five exclusive releases that will be available on April 1st.  The offerings feature cute design with Itokin Park’s Ghost (GID Clear) Himalan (44 pieces, 6000 yen, ~ $60) and a set of gold and silver glitter BUDOGS (77 sets, 6000 yen, ~ $60)  from 460 Ryukyu Entertainment .

Then there’s the edgier side– an evil Skuttle x Docross edition (6999 yen, ~ $70), an Old Lantern (GID) Fulcraim (77 pieces, 6800 yen, ~$68)  from Kaijin and a gorgeous rainwbow gradient glitter Skuttle from Touma (77 pieces, 6300 yen, ~$63).  There’s also an upcoming exclusive Blobpus Dx edition which apparently will drop after the first, mid-month maybe ?  It’ll go for 7000 yen ($70). Fittingly, it looks like each of these  figures features the One Up 7th Anniversary logo.

Congrats to Ken @ One Up.  Keep it up — people are noticing and buying 😉