Winson Ma’s Jungle Artdol + 3′ Auction

Best known for his highly-technical 12" figures such as the Apexplorers, Winson Ma is about to release a stylized and more cartoony vinyl version of Jungle, the first Apexlporer.  The new figure will be the ?first? in his new Artdol series.  It’s apparently going to be 12" tall and will be released by HK company BuBu/ as part of their Urban Jungle project which also features Icy Bunny by Kevin Husky and Spiky Porcupine by Danny Chan.

As promo for the upcoming toy launch, Winson created a 3′ Fiber Glass version of the new Jungle design.  It will be auctioned off  in January of ’08.  More details as they break.