36″ Joe Ledbetter Toxic Swamp Qee

Toy2R is readying their new 36" Toxic Swamp Qee by Joe Ledbetter.  This is definitely an ambitious piece — giant designer toys are  few and far between.  36" is cool by itself, but a large-scale artist piece really  trumps the simple (albeit classic) solid white or black.    This one is made-to-order for $1500 + significant shipping costs and is limited to 36 pieces.  Given the price and the number, this feels like an attempt to transform the platform into a fine-art multiple type sculpture.  Put a dedicated design on one of these and then we’d really be moving into new territory. 

8 Replies to “36″ Joe Ledbetter Toxic Swamp Qee”

  1. Shoot me a blank one of them things, I’ll give it a dedicated design.
    Agreed though, why just make a bigger version of something that already exsists? Seems a bit of a waste

  2. “why just make a bigger version of something that already exsists?”
    Cause that’s all they do. Look at the majority of toy2r’s products… they’ll milk a design as many times as possible as long as the sheep keep buying.
    Coulda at least done a different color.

  3. the thing is, why is not yet considered an art form, i look at it as those limited prints that most fine artists do, not considering this as new art forms is like saying comics arnt an art form because you can buy it a comics store and not in fine art gallerys.

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