Updated: Price
Calli. Tim Biskup’s lovely alphabeast is full-tilt this summer. In addition to the Barcelona and Golden Angel Dust Callis, there’s now an extremely limited Silver Angel Dust Calli. How do you get it? One way… Buy it in person at Bispop this Saturday (6.17.06) starting at noon. No online orders, no phone orders on this one. First come, first served. How limited? Only 24 are available (out of a run of 50). Props to Tim for the info and pic. These will sell for $150.
Bispop Gallery (inside Johnson Motors)
36 W. Colorado Blvd.
#7 Mills Place Alley
Pasadena, CA. 91105
omg. that is beau-ti-ful.
Please someone scoop me one of these!!!!!
any info on pricing (ie. will this be the same price as the golden angel dust version)? i just might head over to bispop to pick one up on saturday ^_^.
Nicest version yet . . . hardest to get . . . easiest to flip!
Pasadena return or $400 through eBay . . . . hmmmmm!
i dont get it, why all the hype? its a toy with sparkles -so what?
OH WOW!!!!!
I don’t get all the hype either. In fact, I say we boycott this event to show that we won’t stand for inferior vinyl like this figure anymore. That will really send a message!
Only 24? Sale starts at noon? Does that mean I need to get there at 8 in the morning? Oh man…
im going to flip this.