So you’ve seen the pictures of Sket One’s dope 20-inch King Tut custom that he did way back (lol) in 2004 for the Dunny Show in NY. Now, that design can be yours with the upcoming 8″ King Tut Dunny from Kidrobot. Ever wonder where the inspiration for the King Tut design came from? Well, Sket felt that the 20″ Dunny was the King of Dunnys, and saw Tut as the King of kings and there you have it 🙂 This one comes in a standard blue and gold design (2000 pieces – 1.05.06) and a much rarer KR online exclusive black/red variant (200 pieces – 12.29.05). Each edition will retail for $39.99.
Thanks to the very cool people at Kidrobot, we recently had a chance to take an extended look at the blue and gold edition of this very cool Dunny. The first impression out of the box is well… WOW. If you haven’t been following the development of this one you might be wondering, does it have all the clothes and accessories that the original 20″ custom had? In a word, yes! The blue and gold headress is amazing. It’s quite large and flows nicely around the Dunny’s ears and down the sides of the head. The weight of the fabric is nice too, not paper thin by any means. The shirt/tunic (ok, my knowledge of egyptian clothing terms is lacking!) seems quite close to the original and is attached with velcro.
The accessories are quite cool and include the traditional crook and flail that typically is seen in drawings of the famous boy Pharoah, King Tut. These fit easily into the Dunnys hands and look pretty damn cool. This is one decked out Dunny — the overall matching blue and gold visual motiff is quite stunning.
Random Info: This one comes with a brand new plastic protector that slides over the face and covers Tut’s ceremonial beard (or is that goatee 😉
The overall design is a nice contrast between the majesty of a bygone era and an almost sly, in your face attitude. Props to Sket for the original design and for all the work he and KR put in to faithfully shrinking it down onto the 8″ Dunny canvas. While I don’t do rankings or ratings per se, I certainly recommend the 8″ Blue King Tut Dunny as a worthy edition to any Dunny lover’s collection.
This piece just looks hotter and hotter the more i see of it!
tight worx on the garb and accesories!