As I’ve mentioned before, Gary Baseman’s solo art show entitled "For the Love of Toby" opens on this Saturday (May 14th) from 7 to 10 PM at the new Billy Shire Fine Arts gallery in Culver City, CA and runs through June 18th. The show will feature original paintings, drawings and sculpture. One of Gary’s goals for this show is to blend the art world with the toy world. On that note, the show will offer toy collectors the opportunity to purchase a 16-inch plush Toby toy (very limited on opening night — preorder at the show for the rest?) plus perhaps a first look at the upcoming Toby vinyl toy. This alone makes this a "must" in my book!
Gary was kind enough to send along three pictures of pieces that are part of his show. I believe this is the first time two of these pics have been made available on the web. NB: The captions below the pictures are based on the filenames and may not be the official title of each piece. These should get you in the mood for the show 🙂 Enjoy! If you live in Southern California, why not come out for the opening? It should be a great time.
Toby Desire (Girl Scout)
Ceci n‘est pas une Toby
oh boy, i wish i could go to this show.