Anatomical Balloon Dog – Muscle Dissection by Whatshisname

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UK artist Whatshisname starts off 2023 with a revealing new vision of his popular Balloon Dog series. Given the energetic nature of his Balloon Dogs—with numerous Yoga and other playful poses—the artist wanted to explore the muscles that might power the inflated canines.

The brand-new Anatomical Balloon Dog – Muscle Dissection resin art toy sculpture features a glossy red exterior and a matte gray dissection. The intricately detailed muscle anatomy is based on actual canine anatomy with a creative addition, the Pierzakus Supremus at the top of the head. The striated muscle detail throughout adds an eye-pleasing visual texture that almost transcends its inspiration.

A signed/numbered edition of 190, the Anatomical Balloon Dog – Muscle Dissection resin art toy sculpture (6.73″) will be available on Friday (1.20) from SohoArt for £175 (~$199). As with previous releases, subscribers to the artist’s VIP list will be able to purchase the figure one day earlier. In addition VIPs will receive a photo of the dissected balloon dog complete with muscle labels.