Part of what makes blogging about toys fun is stumbling upon figures and creators that demand a quick tap on the save button. HK-based Placid’s Philo fits that bill perfectly. The stylish, undulating, handcrafted resin figure oozes cool. An ‘…inert being and a cool-headed observer… ‘ , Philo is at once futuristic, dream-like and grounded in the here and now as well.
Inspired by Placid’s flowing, liquid-like portraits of ethereal beings, Philo grabs the gaze with his unusual baggy top that seems to morph on its own, reacting to unseen forces and the surrounding environment, bending and twisting around his slender frame. Philo himself is realized in personable, stylized detail throughout from his ‘…fluid hair that takes the form of the dynamic atmosphere’ to his realistic, if not slightly exaggerated, hands and limbs. Rather than simplifying the design by merging the character’s pants and legs, Placid adds to Philo’s presence by sculpting his lower leg between the pants and angular shoes—a rarely seen detail.
Conceptualized as an observer, Philo’s design seems to explore the concept of multiple, managed faces and stages of awareness. His sighted face—with a subtle, almost mask-like, false lower half—continues the stylized yet detailed flow of the figure. In contrast to the angular sighted face, Philo’s unsighted face, is simple with a chunky, almost undeveloped form.
Philo is available in both a grey edition (Edition of 5, 12 x 4.72 x 3.15″) with a hand-sanded textured finish and a matte blue finish. While both are appealing, the flowing texture on the grey version adds to the organic feel of the character. To purchase, send inquire via with Placid via DM.