If you (or your little ones) love LEGOs, you might want to checkout the inaugural Bricks LA convention which takes place this weekend on Saturday and Sunday (5.17) at the Pasadena Convention Center. Created and organized by Ayleen Gaspar (October Toys, ToyBreak, DesignerCon, and many other secret projects) and Ace Kim (Bricks to Bothans), the show will feature plenty of custom Lego creations or MOCs (My Own Creations), a vendor area, and a kids play/build area as well. All of this for $5 at the door (kids 12and under are free).
Bricks LA
Saturday – Sunday (5.16 – 5.17), 10 AM –5 PM
Pasadena Convention Center
300 East Green Street
Pasadena, CA 91101