Preview: Michelle Valigura for ‘Fuck Shit Up’ at Qpop (6.21)

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On Saturday (6.22), Michelle Valigura and Bwana Spoons will open ‘Fuck Shit Up’ @ QPop in DTLA.  If you’re the eager, curious kind, who loves previews (that’s us!), then you’ll want to check out the preview of Michelle’s ceramic pieces which range from character sculptures including her version of Bwana’s globby to charming lifestyle pieces including vases, birdhouses, and wind chimes. 

Michelle Valigura & Bwana Spoons  || ‘Fuck Shit Up’
Opening: Saturday, June 22nd (7-10 PM)

128 Astronaut E S Onizuka St.
Los Angeles, CA 90012
213.687.qpop (7767)