Revealed: Bitbots Toys – Jinny Big Top (08.01)


A few weeks back we posted an announcement from Bitbots Toys, that they have collaborated with a well known UK artist to release and debut their 6” Jinny figure on August 1st. The only other hint they left us with was an example of artwork from this mystery artist. We had our guess to whom it may have been and we were dead on! Bitbots proudly introduce to you, Jon Burgerman’s Jinny Bigtop! This release is a run of 50 pieces and will retail for $65, which also includes free international shipping. Jinny Bigtop is also available for pre-order HERE, which includes a free Series Zero blind box. Here is Jinny Bigtop defined by Jon Burgerman:

"Human brains get weighed down with all the things they’re trying not to think and obsess about; Did I leave the gas on? Will I have enough money to pay the rent and buy LA Noir this weekend? What will happen if the Sun explodes? Why are Curly Wurlys getting smaller? Sometimes you have to sip your over priced, unethically sourced mochafrappacapoeirachino and smile through it all. Give up the anxiety and take your Bigtop to the circus, they have clowns and dancing bears."

bigtop-front bigtop-packshot