Huck Gee – General Shirokuri


Huck Gee’s dojo is a busy place.  Next up, the estemeed General Shirokuri.  Huck’s love of feudal Japan comes through here with his strong character design and richly detailed acessories.  The net effect?  ‘cool…’.    The unquestioned, unchallenged master of limited-edition customs delivers another gem.  Limited to 10 pieces, General Shirokuri is available for $700 per figure.  To purchase please drop a line to sales[at]huckgee[dot]com to reserve and set up payment.

Hailing from the wintery northlands, he led his warriors into battle with cunning bravado, demanding their loyalty and inspiring their excellence. General Shirokuri, once called lightning incarnate, was keen to never rely on brute force, instead using his wits to outflank and outmaneuver his opponents in his vast, mountainous homeland. After the wars, the people gave his name to a majestic peak, the base of which was the site of one of his most famous victories. And to this day, rumor has it that the rare, white chestnuts of Mount Shirokuri have mystical powers.


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