Ferg – OPRSSR Squadts: Nozzel and K11 FIDO (10.4)


Bad ***.  That’s the first thing that came to mind with the release of pics of  Ferg’s OPRSSR Squadts. The first pair out of the gate is Nozzel S003 and K11 FIDO all geared up with slick red & blue lenses. Limited to 150 sets, Nozzel includes shirt, tactical vest, sM4 with sAcog scope and supressor, 2 sets of arms, and removable helmet.  While his ever-ready companion FIDO rocks a modular harness with removable pouches and a removable helmet.  These look great – stylish yet deadly.  These are the kind of toys that made us want to collect designer figs in the first place.  While some have written off the HK urban vinyl style as a historical footnote, we’d love to see a nice resurgence.

Nozzel and K11 FIDO drop on Monday October 4th @ Noon CDT from the Squadt Store for a rather reasonable $85 which includes worldwide shipping.  And… OPRSSR is hitting retail as well with the GASSD S003 and ROVR set (last pic after the jump)

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