Playge – GID NKD Nozzel S00? (09.05)


Releasing on Monday, September 5th is the GID NKD Nozzel S00? Squadt figure from Playge. You will have 48 hours after the release date to secure yourself one of these awesome figures. They also thought it would be fun to add a little twist to the release. 50% of the orders will include a QPMNT PAC 4 and 15% will receive a Blue GID Nozzel and include a QPMNT PAC 4 as a bonus. The NKD Nozzel includes 3 sets of eye lenses, 2.0 arms, union suit, and a removable helmet. The QPMNT Pac 4 includes 2 ski masks, Playge gLogo shirt, 2.0 arms, and a duffel bag. Be sure to keep an eye out HERE at Noon Central Time, where you can up pick your Squadt for $75.

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