Doktor A. will be attending Dragon*Con once again this year and he will definitely have some goodies for the attendees. You will be able to find him in the Comic & Pop Artist Alley in the Hyatt Regency Hotel. Dok will also be apart of the Comics & Pop Art panel on Friday at 8PM and the Breaking The Molds, Pushing the Boundaries of 3D Art panel on Saturday at 1PM AND… Steampunk Makers’ Exhibition panel on Sunday at 4PM. Some things you can expect to see at his booth are two of his exclusive Stephan LePodd (15 pcs) & Trevithick’s Wandering Theatre (20 pcs) prints, Original Drawings, New & Old Customs, last years D*Con exclusive Stephan LePodd, and of course his exclusive D*Con etched wooden YoYo (50 pcs) from Steven Brown Gallery.