Arty Farty Gallery Presents: Jouwe Custom Show (10.02)

Jouwe Flyers germany

Jouwe will soon be invading the Arty Farty Gallery in Germany, where there will be the second ever Custom Jouwe Show. This show features a whole bunch of talented folks, such as: Nakanari, RSINART, Slurg, VISEone, Motorbot, VANG, Willow, 64 Colors, Toysrevil, Drilone, Breeanzz, Reactor88, Dust, Chauskoskis, Rotobox Vinyl Anatomica, Ckcuk, Das Mo, ANTZ, James Yeah, Tellthem, The Yellow Dino, Lazy65, and {THS}. The big show takes place on Saturday, October 2nd. Seems as though Jouwe will be hitting all corners of the world!

Arty Farty Gallery
Maastrichter STR, 49
50672 – Cologne