The Yellow Dino definitely took the Jouwe figure and made it his own. He re-sculpted and re-worked it to create the very custom you see before you. The littlest details make such a huge difference with this custom. Here is the story behind Bono the Robber Cat, who can be found at the Arty Farty Gallery on Saturday, October 2nd.
Hi.. meet Bono, an adorable cat who enjoy acquiring stuffs, especially when its belong to someone else *giggles He has courage like a tiger, nothing can ever keep him from doing what he likes. One of ‘em is playing hide & seek with you. Only remember, when he hide himself, he might hid your stuffs too 😛
He’s not a bad guy though, he just love to play. Watching your confuzzled face exites him the most. There he goes, live his playful days. Until one day God think it’s enuff and punish him. Don’t worry, God is sincere so he kindly put a provision: each time Bono rob another stuffs, he will raise 1mm horn above his head so that Bono will always reminded of his own mistakes. On the other hand, his horn will shrink if he’s being good.
How many milimeters has grown above Bono’s head? Guess Bono will never stop robbering, no?….it’s okay Bono, we love you anyway.
Arty Farty Gallery
Maastrichter STR, 49
50672 – Cologne