In the hustle and bustle of SDCC news, we lost track of updating you on the 909toy Eggcore Rabbit sales. This hyper-detailed piece is being offered in a three day sale (7.23 – 7.25) @ 9AM – 11 AM HK from the 909toy online store. Since HK is basically a half-day ahead of the USA, there’s one sale period left – Saturday, July 24th @ 6 PM PDT. There’s a specific allocation per day :
Black & White Classic (30 pcs per day, $98 + s/h)
Black Gold (10 pcs per day, $128 + s/h)
Wood Limited (3 pcs per day, $258 + s/h).
Set of all 3 + blank ($500)
To add to the excitement, two lucky customers purchasing the Black and White edition will actually receive the rarer Black Gold edition while one extremely fortunate collector will receive the Wood Limited edition. So even if you can’t directly afford the rarer edition pieces, you still have a chance of getting one. Very cool. For details on the Eggcore Rabbit, please check out our rundown on this sweet new toy.