Frank Schaefer – Things That Hurt 2010


Did you get a boring calendar over the holidays?  One that made you think <yawn> but instead prompted a ‘Gee, thanks <insert well-intentioned relative’s name’ ?  If so or even if not, we’ve got a recommendation  – Frank Schaefer’s Things That Hurt calendar.

Frank takes amazingly clever pictures of vinyl toys that belie the meticulous preparation involved in creating his  in-studio mini-sets.   Things That Hurt features 13 of  his photographs including the awesome cover piece – an homage to Shane Jessup’s weaponized zipper pulls. While Frank’s pics are enough for us, he’s gone a step beyond – worrying that people would be depressed with blank squares for most days, he’s filled the calendar with holidays, obscure ‘national…’ days (National Escargot Day, National Chesseball day, and more) and perhaps coolest of all – birthdays of many of your favorite artists.

If that sounds like something you’d like to hang on your wall, you can get your very own copy for $15 over @ A&I Photographic & Digital Services.


May Cal F_1 Nov Cal F_1 Oct Cal F_1 Feb Cal F_1 Rear Cover_1