Seen: Tim Biskup x T9G Rangeas Drop in Japan


[Intheyellow released the new Tim Biskup version of Rangeas + T9G’s original sculpt in matching yellow yesterday in Japan.  Keeping up with the pulse of toys in Japan, Luke Rook sent back this timely report with pics. ]

While most lameos were waiting in line for some Picasso dude the real art lovers were downstairs. The National Art center of Tokyo dropped the very first collaboration between Japanese artist T9G  and beloved US artist Tim Biskup today. Three sweet gems were offered up; T9G Ranges, Bear Hunter and a very sweet Timafied Ranges. All in solid banana yellow. They managed to sell out in minutes with a good smattering of fanboys and flippers. Seeing as I was last in line and my ticket said 50 chances are pretty good that there will be  a few floating around.

[More pics after the jump including closeups of both figures]

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