Intoxicated Demons Gallery in Berlin will showcase the work of four young German graffiti artists with the opening of its Addicted to Details show on August 8th. The show will feature the graffiti-based work of Aro, Dome (Karlsruhe), Hombre (Manheim) and Biser (Black Forest).
The 3D standout from the show has to be Biser. Since September ‘03 he has been working on an army of hand-made custom figures known as ‘The Teeth Project’ . While we try not to act like total fan boys (ahem!) these are awesome.
After the jump, samples of work from Hombre, Dome and Biser. If you’re in Berlin, definitely check the show out.
Intoxicated Demons | Urban Art Gallery Berlin
Naunynstrasse 46
D-10999 Berlin