Gary Baseman @ Billy Shire Fine Arts (07.14.07)

Billy Shire Fine Arts will play host to Gary Baseman’s upcoming show, Hide and Seek in the Forest of ChouChou.
This will be Gary’s first solo show in Los Angeles in two years. The
show will feature new works surrounding ChouChou. Who’s ChouChou? He is
someone who takes in all negative energy and turns it into creamy gooey
love. The show will open on Saturday, July 14, 2007 from 7-10 PM and
continues through to August 11, 2007.

Billy Shire Fine Arts
5790 Washington Blvd
Culver City, CA 90232
323. 297.0600

3 Replies to “Gary Baseman @ Billy Shire Fine Arts (07.14.07)”

  1. Baseman’s work does push buttons. His work is for adults and the themes and ideas he explores are common ones used by many artists. His use of cute images and appealing shapes highlight the dark and challenging elements in his work.

  2. I recognize Baseman is attempting to draw attention to his work by mirroring objectionable themes with lighthearted imagery. These themes are commonly explored by other artist, and when used in an attempt to create social change such exploration may be understood. However, this series in particular is not simply highlighting “dark and challenging elements.” Baseman is displaying a favorable portrayal of subjugation, degradation, and objectification of women with little more purpose than profit and shock value.

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