Some factory related delays have held up the production cycle on Red Demon. That hasn’t stopped Muttpop
from moving ahead on sculpting its next figure: Dr. Destruction. The
Muttpop team decided it was time to switch things up a bit and
introduce a character that didn’t fit the mold of a Mexican wrestling
Luchador. Enter Dr. Destruction. Even without a wrestling mask
Dr. Destruction has a lot of the qualities that make a Muttpop figure a
Muttpop figure. He also makes an excellent companion piece to Red
Demon. Bill (the artist who designed Red Demon) designed Dr.
Destruction. Dr. Destruction is supposed to be an amalgam of all things
French. As the leader of the Formidables, he is super proud of French
culture. He listens to old French music from the 40’s. He drives around
in a “presidential” Citroen car. He gets super angry when someone puts
the Brie cheese in the refrigerator. But his French origins are to be
questioned because he has no problem drinking a cup of Starbucks Venti
To switch things up a bit we decided to have SiteR sculpt Dr.
Destruction. Although he’s a new name to the Designer Toy scene, SiteR
has been in the business of professional toy sculpting for many years.
In time you will see why his fellow peers regard him as one of the best
sculptors in the business.
Check out Bill’s turnaround illustration for a tease of what’s to come…
I havent like many of the other wrestlers, but Iam going to have to get this one!
awesome character design.
but is there anymore info on Red Demon?
Killer more hotness from Muttpop I see.
Love the Skull mask.:)
Thanks! As much as we love our Luchadores, it was time for a little change. We still have many more Luchadores coming out…but we wanted to share with you the great variety of characters from our universe.
Red Demon is still in production. We had to redo the molds, so we are in a bit of a production hiatus. But we have every intent to make Red Demon the third Muttpop figure released. It’s looking like a Spring 2007 release. Hopefully, once that’s set, we’ll be releasing an new figure every 3-4 months.
Thanks, man. I love the skull mask as well! No Designer Toy line is complete without and awesome skull design!
-Muttpop Bob
I need a Red Demon for my soul!
Do you have any prediction for when the Kozik colorway will be out?
Dr. Destruction is corny French cool, but I don’t like the giant head.
Nice! This bad motherfucker gonna have a removable cape a la Tequila?
Your soul will be soothed in 2007! No clue when Kozik’s colorway will be out. We still have one more El Panda colorway from Kozik to release…
There’s definitely a cape…although we haven’t decided if it will be removeable. As ZMA has mentioned, Dr. Destruction has a pretty hefty head. If we were to make it removable, we’d have to allow you to remove his head prior to taking off the cape. I’m not too sure if I like that idea. We’ll be discussing it with the factory before we decide what to do…
-Muttpop Bob
Thank you for the reply 🙂
cheers for the reply bob. a new figure every 3-4 months, i may have to invest in a few more detolfs.
is there any news on the Kung Pao El Panda?
Hey there. Was Monster5 a group of people or one person? And is there a way I can get in touch with him? I can’t seem to find much about him on the intarweb.
Your welcome. If you have any questions, you know where to find me.
We still haven’t found a design for Kung Pao that we are happy with. Until that time, Extra Spicy Tequila looks pretty swell sharing a shelf with El Panda Imperial and El Panda Sweet & Sour.
Monster5 is one guy. He’s a sculptor based in Japan. These days you can find the bulk of his work on Span of Sunset’s Disney Vinyl figure line. About the only place you can occasionally find him is through MySpace.
-Muttpop Bob