In celebration and promotion of the recent release of Beck’s newest album, The Information, Beck Wheeler — a Melbourne artist — was commissioned to produce a special plush toy limited to just 20 pieces. The concept of the design plays off the DIY / interactivity vibe of the album (which includes a blank canvas to make your own CD cover) through a face that snaps off to reveal a multi-eyed creature. The plush plus a signed CD booklet can be yours by entering our Beck promo contest. To enter just write a comment on this post and be sure to provide your real email address when asked to do so. As always your personal information will be kept strictly confidential. The deadline to enter is Thursday, January 4th at 8 PM pacific.
1. To enter write a comment to this post.
2. Deadline to enter is January 4th, 2007 @ 8 PM Pacific
3. Duplicate entries will result in disqualification.
4. The winner will be chosen randomly and will receive the Beck Wheeler designer plush plus a signed CD booklet.
5. Winner must respond to our notification within 72 hours.
simply a delight.
Entering this ‘Beck to the Future’ contest – CC
Nice lil plush 😀
Cool plush. free stuff.
Lush plush!
that album was good
oh delay
me wants one ya Beck good ya
im for this me thinks
applause for beck
OMG… I love BECK, and plush… it will be mine!
Great album, great plush!
the album rawked! and the plush looks set to rawk too! 🙂
Beck and plush – nice! If only I could get my hands on one of those awesome puppets that he has been touring with….
Man, that is Becktacular……oh I’m so funny!!!! I gotta go take a bath with my hair dryer 🙂
Perfect plush … please!
Beck!!! Toys!!!Awesome!!!
beck & k-fed could come up with a dope ass record.
please please please please let me win.
Looks great
greatest loser!
i like it and id love to win it to like it even more 🙂
the coverdesign idea is great too..
nice concept
this looks great!
Awesome Plush.
beck + toy = love
Vinyl beck? I’ve got a few of those already. They spin round and round and make sounds.
I’m a loser baby
happy holidays
gimme gimme gimme.
please. 😀
hooray a plush from the guy who wrote beercan. excellent!
How cool is that!?
nice plush!
sounds nice
Beck has raised the bar on the interactive aspect of enjoying music and creating something uniquely your own within the context of his world.
Sho’nuff, yo!
wow that’s such an awesome idea.
I really want one, and beck rules!
I love these giveaways!
I hop I win!
Thanks for making music Beck. Enjoyed each album you have done on it’s own. Keep it flowin!
always said beck should do toys.
he has conquered many other medium!
I think that is the last time he should let his mom take him to work. He works at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, but his mom dropped him off at some fair.
This plush looks awesome!!!
BECK is sweet!
beck rules…
Mmmmm, Beck. He’s a paradox wrapped in an enigma.
Nice plush – and great to see a Melbourne artist getting out there.
wow, album and a limited release plush — amazing!
Beck me. Please.
I want them allll
beck rules!!!!
i never win these pick me this time!! you know what im talking about, jack.
what joemm said. =)
Give it to me!
Very nice, I want one! ;P
Wow a DIY plush! ^^
Where it’s at?
(lord only knows…)
Cool cool plush !
that’s a really cool plush… thanks for the contest!
Beck is amazing Live!!!
Must have plushie. ^__^
Two Beck’s for the price of One !
pick me!
i havnt had much luck as of yet, but i live in hope
yet another great vinyl pulse compo
Scientolgical Sexiness
Thanks VP!
wow… very cool
i love the idea of the DIY cd cover
Season’s Bleatings
Can’t wait!
I never win anything either… but that won’t stop me from trying again!
I LOVE Beck!
Beck and Beck…a winning combo!
Aweseome little contest – heres to that free plushie =)
my inner theta tells me i should stop worrying so much about material possessions…but i want that plush
Off course I want it!
MY birthday’s new year day.
HAPPY birthday to ME!
merry plushy christmas!
I remember seeing BECK perform at Jabberjaw in LA rapping while wearing a Stormtrooper helmet. He’s come a long way…
Wonderful Work!
not bad at all.
please pick me
Awesome contest, this would be a great prize to win.
Love it!
Let me fetch my Becktionary. Okay, this plush is better than beefcake pantyhose.
Hell yes! I love that song.
lucky 100
i like that plush very much. and that cd idea.
great plush!
beck. silverlake’s finest boy
This is wonderful!
Me please!
Great design for this plush!
My baby is due at the end of Jan, is it too weird to want a softie for a newborn?
i want to win
Cool design
{insert;token random comment related to subliminally convincing you to pick me as the winner}
I love the tiny hand & feet claws.
Count me in I hope I win this
Beck and I share the same birthday (I’m 10 years younger) = a sign that I was meant to have this plush. 😉
Hey Yo!!
beck.plush.vinyl pulse. contest.well it’s about time.
Yow. That plushie rules!
beck…and beck…and plush?
count me in.
Special packaging is always a plus in my book…especially 1 of 20!
…baby you´re lost…baby you´re loooost cause…
…i´m tired of fightin´i´m tired of fiiiightin´fighting for a lost cause…
wish me luck
Joyeux noël
a comment
rad promo!
I have the new Beck album! It’s one of his best.
The DIY cover art is genious!
happy holidays and look foward to more goodies in the new year(=
Gimme gimme! I want one of these BADLY
I love the fact that the monster dolly is dressed as Sheriff Beck in the waistcoat n all! The necktie should have been shocking pink for full Sexy Beck effect!
I guess it would cost you an arm and a leg to post one of those dolls to me in cold rainy Belfast, Northern Ireland! 😀
la la la…
Fabulous little critter, and a great album! And I love how they both encourage creativity. Fun stuff!
Both Becks are cool – creative, artistic, innovative. But what’s even cooler is Vinyl Pulse for having this contest!
beck+plush=perfect blend
please !
Ahh I want this
soooo from head to toe… Ima LOSER baby …so why dont ya pick me?
for my broken friend
i want the devil’s hair cut.