Über online designer toy store myplasticheart is going brick and mortar with the opening of their first retail location, myplasticheartnyc, on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. The grand opening show is Forest Fire on Saturday, November 18th from 6 to 9 PM featuring the works of Parskid and the release of an MPH exclusive Parskid plush. The show will also be the first opportunity to purchase mphlabs decks by UPSO, MAD, and Sket-One. Also, MPH exclusive wedding and Twighlight MAD*L’s will be available during the opening reception. Check the flier for complete info. Congratulations to Vincent and MPH on their first store!
210 forsyth street
new york, NY 10002
I’m so there!
One of the coolest graf writers around. I wish I coul be there.