From the mad genious behind the Brickboy paper toy, Sjors Trimbach, comes his latest creation — the Badger. The Badger is a hybrid of two low cost designer goods — a paper toy and a badge doubling as the face. The first series will be released at the upcoming Pictoplasma Conference (10.11 – 10.14) in Berlin and features four designs (each limited to 25 pieces) from Kenn Munk, Christian Lindemann, Martijn van Sas, and Sjors Trimbach. How do you get one of these quirky collectibles?
Easy: go to the Pictoplasma conference and buy it directly from Sjors.
Personal: make friends with the designers and try to get numbers 1-10
from them
Fun: win a full set in the HOW BAD IS THE BADGER?! contest!
The person who best describes "how much crap this new thing is wins a full set of all 4
Go wild, get personal, insult, curse and freak out. How bad
can you get? HOW BAD IS THE BADGER?!
Enter now at the Toydigger Forum.
this is an excellent idea!
Amazing! Simple and striking!
I love Brickboy.I hope I can get my hands on a few. These are gonna be awesome.
Hey. Wanna swap something for one of mine?
Mine’s the “your mum went to Pictoplasma…” one.
Great idea…
Thanks everyone!
I already have yours Kenn 😀
I’ll swap you somethin’ Mr Munk, should we do the handover by night on a bridge somewhere in Berlin? Or just at the Pictoplasma show. Your design rocks!
this is fresh!!! love your idea