Max Toy Company released two new Kikaida figures over the summer – a classic blue/red colorway and a transparent "mechanical" edition. Today we’re happy to bring you our review of the Kikaida figures which also happens to be our very first shot at doing a video review. The video is fairly long (~ 9 minutes) and available in Quicktime in both 320 x 240 and 640 x 480 sizes. If you have a fast ‘net connection (1.5 – 2 mbps) go for the regular streaming links. If not, you’re probably better off using the d/l links (right-click to save).
Kikaida Video Review
320 x 240 QT (streaming – 1.4mbps) 640 x 480 QT (streaming 2.1 mbps)
320 x 240 QT (right-click, save as) 640 x 480 QT (right-click, save as)
Why video? That’s the same thought I had when Cameron first mentioned it to us at SDCC. After thinking about it and experimenting, the answer is that video lets us highlight the interactive aspects from basics such as the articulation (smooth or difficult) to neat features of particular toys. In addition, it allows us to provide a tighter link between the review and the visuals. Expect to see more video reviews in the near future and hopefully they’ll be a little more "fun" and less lecture-like 😉 Also on the audio – apologies for the slightly wonky levels. Note to self: Lawn mowers make awful background tracks!
Click below for a full gallery of Kikaida Pics
Just a couple of notes…
Love the Kikaidas! Great job Mark Nagata and Max Toy Co!
There is also an all clear mechanical version without any yellow or silver paint on the vinyl. Only a handful of these were produced, as I understand it, and made available only to Max Toy Club Members. I was fortunate to get one!
Really like the idea of the video review! Would like to see more!
Finally, it looks like all the posts above are by fans of KR and the fatcap who got lost… Maybe you could move them to the proper location?
Here are some links on my Flickr account of the all clear one I mentioned above, and also the clear mechanical mentioned in the review:
Thanks to Vinyl Pulse for the cool review ! You guys are the way Max Toy Co. is actually sold out of both version ! We may get a few more of the normal version in beofre Xmas, but the all clear one
is SOLD OUT, and will not be made again. You can try buying both these figures from Generation Kikaida web store here :
Also, these figures represent the first time in over 30 years any company has made a retro version of Kikaida !!! stay tuned for our next announcement… we’ll be making history again !