Altered States featuring toy customs and art from Sket One, Tweeqim, and Jeremy Gibbs opened this past Saturday (09.09.06) @ Rotofugi in Chicago. The pieces ranging from Sket’s Four Shogun Wariors to Tweeqim’s Firecat and Tedankhanum TT to J. Gibbs’ camo kb’s show why and how each of these artists earned a reputation as hardcore skilled customizer. Thanks to Sket One, m500 and Brian Morris we have some pics of the pieces and the after party for you to enjoy. Rotofugi will be putting all the available pieces from the show online complete with turnaround pics at the end of this week — so keep an eye out for that. Also, if you’re in Chicago (how could you miss it !?!), then drop by the gallery as the show runs through October 15th.
Click Below for the Full Post w/ Pics.
Rotofugi Designer Toy Store & Gallery
1953 W. Chicago Ave.
Chicago, IL 60622
So tight…
That tweeqim teddy troop is brilliant!
Love the dface/qee custom J!
Stopped by last weekend, and the pieces are amazing. I’m so lucky I live like 2 blocks away 😀