I recently had a chance to check out the Scribblin’ with Rik Maki exhibition at Meltdown Gallery. Rik Maki,a long-time veteran illustrator and character creator for Walt Disney Studios, loves to scribble on whatever scraps of paper he happens to have around at the time. The exhibtion showcases his original sketches on scraps of paper, many of which are featured in his new book, Scribblin on Scraps. Quite a few pieces are still available and most are under $40 ! So if sweet sketches are your thing, check it out. Exhibit ends in two days on Wednesday, September 27th.
Meltdown Gallery
7522 Sunset Blvd,
Los Angeles. 90046
Be sure to click below for the full set of pics in the full post
Awesome work there! Cheers for the coverage!
You can see Disney in his style but at the same time there’s a really heavy Hanna Barberra style too, really nice combination! 😀