Kii Arens kept Munky King packed for several hours this past Thursday (09.28.06) for his solo art show and launch event for the new La*La toy. Kii is probably best known for his lightbox art which was on display and available for sale ranging from large panoramic scenes to smaller mono color creature-blots. The event also served as the launch of his tripod like La*La toy produced by Munky King. La*La comes in red, black, white, and an MK exclusive flocked pink. The two standout features are the battery powered light-up "eye" and the magnetic feet which were put to good effect with several La*La’s clinging to the ceiling of the darkened gallery — all the better to appreciate the lightbox art and the glowing eyes. Another artistic passion of Kii’s is Spin art, the origin of the La*La shape; it’s fitting then that there was a live Spin art station for folks to make their own masterpieces. Enjoy the pics! Props to Kii Arens, Patrick Lam and the Munky King Melrose Staff for a great relaxed night of art.
Click below to see all the images in the full post.
Munky King Melrose
7308 Melrose Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90046
Kii is truly a good egg (and the art is top shelf too!). Congrats Kii!