The 10" Teddy Troop designed by Flying Fortress and produced by AdFunture is seriously cool toy which takes all that was right with the original, upsizes it, and gives us a removable helmet to boot. Teddy Troop Invasion which opened June 2nd at Rotofugi features custom interpretations of the 10" Teddy Troop from 40 Chicago-area artists. The results are pretty stunning and demonstrate a) that Chicago rocks, and B) that the 10" TT is a great DIY figure with the removable helmet offering lots of possibilities. So here’s a look at each of the excellent show customs courtesy of Whitney and Kirby of Rotofugi. While many of the pieces have sold, several are still available directly from Rotofugi for very reasonable prices. The show runs through July 23rd, so if you’re anywhere near Chicago, go check it out.
Berhnardt Geyer
Joey D
Ken Keirns
Jeremiah Ketner
Francis Kmiecik
Travis Lampe
Gabe Lanza
Anthony Lewellen
Bruce Noel
Mitch O’Connell
Krista Peel
Jeremy Pelt
Joey Potts
Revise CMW
Chanon Nick Sermchief
Matt Sharp
Shawnimal Smith
Scott Shellhamer
Greg Shirilla
Quang Hong
Squee & Ovi D
Diana Sudyka
Chris Uphues
David Van Alphen
Ken Watanabe
Mike Yurkovic
Jeff Zimmerman and Edward Alvarado
Zack Wirsum
1953 W. Chicago Ave.
Chicago, IL 60622
great show guys! and a great platform Eddi
DAMN! Every one of them kicks A$$!!! Chicago’s got some sick talent up there! oooOOOooo, Joey Potts, Shawnimals… hell everyone KILLED IT!
Cudo’s to the roto’s for putting on the dopest shows!
some of the best custom work I’ve seen yet! the TT lends itself so well! great work… though I’ve got one small problem… Okkle’s panda isnt there, is he?! he deserves to be 🙂
I didn’t know Okkle was from the Chicago area!!
GREAT STUFF GUYS !!! They’re all innnnnnssssaaaaaaaaaneeeeely goooood!
between the Francis Kmiecik and the oooOOOooo piece, I’m pretty much floored.
oops! serves me right for getting too excited and jumping straight into it before reading what was going on!! poor okkle