For this week’s look at the minigods, we have another look at the MG1 Brazil minigod figure both in sketch form and a skinned 3d-render. We also will catch you up on the latest info on the development process.
Marka27 and Near Point Toys are deep in the process of "searching for the perfect beat" — the best speaker that can be driven by a computer/ipod. On the figure side, Kevin the model master for Near Point is working on the sculpt. Hopefully we’ll have good pictures of these early stages shortly. Finally, there’s great news for those who have written Marka wondering about minigods distribution. Dov Kelemer from D.K.E Toys will be distributing the minigods and will also feature a prototype from NPT of the MG1 Brazil minigod at San Diego Comic-Con in July.
Be sure to drop by two weeks from Today (June 14th) for our next look at the minigods created by Victor "Marka" Quiñonez.
That looks AWESOME!
DAmn..Looking better and better every time yo!!
i can’t stand the legs…or lack thereof.