Alrighty folks!!! Do you like free toys? Was that a stupid question, who doesn’t? So lets get ready to win some!!! We are giving away a whole set of Sket One’s CiBoys jointly produced by Kidrobot and Red Magic. Yap, 7 of these very hip little fellas are yours to win. This is your chance to get all of Sket’s versions of his favorite pop culture icons and legends. No hunting through blind boxes — no sir! Simply enter a comment in this thread only and follow the rules below and oh…the poker chips are NOT included 😉 Thanks to Sket One for making this giveway possible.
Contest Rules
1. One entry per person; multiple entries disqualifies you.
2. Deadline to enter by: June 5, 2006 8:00(PST)
3. Shipping within Continental US is covered; shipping anywhere else is paid by winner
4. Winner will be notified by email (so make sure you enter a valid email) and must respond to VP’s notification within 72 hours
I like free stuff!
Free is good. Consider this my entry.
here’s my entry
kidrobot and redmagic = kid magic
best kind of magic
Sign me up!!!
Love these little guys.
I love them… especially the bobs big boy guy.
Nice one.
These little chaps rock.
Love the Not Tron….
Stay Puff!
Lucky seven CiBoys!
Count me in. And I’m with xerocs. The Bob’s Big Boy is great.
Sket Kills again, I hope I win!
got to love tron
congrats Sketster..
These toys own!. Count me in!
Free CiBoys? Oh yeah!!!!
Super nice figs. Sket kills it!
these figures are the best – sket one rules!
Thanks for another great contest!
Word Hook a brotha up, with some Sket Ci Gooodness!!
Thanks VP
count me in.
loooove stay puff!
Yeah boi!!111
Sign me up!
ericvberry @ gmail dot com
Sket One is #1! Sign me up!
Free the Sket Ci 7, this way !
SKET is the man
Woo! If I win, I don’t want them all really so I’ll share the prize with someone 🙂
i heart ciboys.
These are my favorite ciboys!
If its free, its for me
Pick my name!
stuff, stuff, stuff.
Don’t you guys and girls want to win those incredibly cool ciboys. With the “oompf, yeah, righton” comments posted you will certainly not get them to display and look cool (in some way). Ill pay for the shipment alright. Who says the Dutch are cheap!
Quoted from above:
“kidrobot and redmagic = kid magic
best kind of magic”
Isn’t that kind of creepy?
Pick me to win
Man i have to win one of these things someday!
i want to win! =)
oh I’m gonna win, I just KNOW it!!
This contest is awesome! That John ‘Bluto’ Blutarsky figure is just great! All of them are.
ohhhhh, i wannana win, ohhhh!
i love stay puft!!!!!!!!
thanks for the chance to win =)
Thanks VP. i love the belushi guy.
favorite. sketonnneee
Generic ‘awesome contest’ comment!
Enjoyness 🙂
So cute! I need that marshmellow man one!
Give me these free toys or I will rip the idea off and make millions… (just kidding… I will only make thousands)!
Here’s my entry. 🙂
These are pretty! Sket is the man
a comment
Ciboys rock!!
I’d really like a set of these guys.
Sign me up! Just bought my Sket One Tee over at Tokyo Toystore so this will just ad to the wickedness!
bring on the free stuff.
I wanna be a winner. I’m hip with it.
Here’s my comment, good luck everyone!
They look great!!! Sign me up too!!!
Free stuff woo hoo! And no stupid magazines to buy.. LOL
this is my entry
*crosses fingers*
Me llamo jellyfish.
I want, I want, I want!!!
Thease cats are too cool for school.
Props of course to Sket one.
If we win this contest they will have a happy home, no doubt.
They might even be in some future movies….no not them kind a movies!
Dead F’n Last
oh my, they’re so cool. something for everyone!!!
free is good, Sket is better!
hey i want em!!!…thx for the my daily dosis of vinyl…
sket ci boy goodness
i wanna win!!!!!!
those are sweet i want some
count me in for this
I always wanted the Bobs Big Boy, Evil Knievel, and State Puff…woot woot for free stuff. Sign me up.
STAY PUFT !! boh n stuff
let me win please im still looking for stay puft and the blind boxes are driving me crazy
NO NO…..
boom city
… yeah. ^_^
…thanks for the chance at this.
bob’s big boy is yeummy.
hope to win em!
cool set!
Nice set
Pick me!
very nice prize. i’ve been wanting these for a while now.
These toys rock!! put down for the comp
I likeeee.
Sign me up!
These look pretty rad.
Ciboys are da bomb, Sket is the bomber
HEre it is!
certainly can’t pass this up!
i like it too !!
10,000 SKET!! 1Up Get!!
hey hey we’re the monkees!
pick me please
so i shouldn’t tell all my friends about this contest…
These are so cool. I hope i win!
ohhhhh ;]just my luck, june5th is my birthday
Sket wears girls underwear!! *sorry… everyone else used up all the good compliments:)
nice little sneaks 🙂
Who doesn’t like free toys?
me want free stuff!
Count me in! I love CiBoys! And Sket’s work!!
Consider me in!!
Thanks for accepting the check 😉
Pick Me Pick Me!!!
yeah! I won! I won!
*drools*drools*.. all over to get my hand on the 7 hippiest fellas! *droooolls*
pweasee? pwetty pwease?
they’re awesome. i <3 Sket One!
i’m never so lucky. but hopefully this one time!
i SO SO want these guys!
especially the ‘jiang si’ mashimaro Deri 🙂
sket one eternal!
me win please!
pick me !
Here goes nothing!
free is bioutifull ^^ !!
Oh c’est chouette des jouets gratis !!
the TRON is the coolest!
seconded by the state puff marshmellow man.
if only we could find the key master….
Italians love Ciboys too !!!
7 ciboys are cute!
i love robots
hey hey my time to win ?! 😉
let me introduce this new set in FRANCE lol…
thx again for those contest.
Awe! Sket they are amazing!
I want them all! And I want them now!
Sweet stuff.
Gimme, Gimme, Gimme!
Peace and good luck to all.
yumm yumm gimme sum!
I like all that is free, that’s the reason why I’ve chosed my provider.
very cool 😀
yaaay ci boys!
Please can I have these? Damn, no one here says “please” anymore.
woohoo! i love that bobs big (ci)boy!
cool contest
Best CiBoys yet!
enter me
here goes something!
here goes something!
Nice Set! Nice contest!
oooo….I hope I win these!
Yup, I’m in
The Sket set is fresh!
Ahh what the heck, count me in..
Excellent designs Sket One! I would love these Ciboys … especially ‘Stay Puff’. Who you gonna call?
Sket one, Sket Two,
Sket, Sket, Sket,
Da Old Skool Way
Book it!
I got food poisoning at a Bob’s Big Boy, but I won’t hold a grudge. Great job Sket, you’ve pulled it off yet again and thank you VP for feeding my viyl addiction daily. Many Thanks.
sket rocks!
sket robot magic.
wow! nice one Sket and VP 😀 free toys!! wooo
gotta get em
gotta gotta get em
wouldnt mind some free stuff
Zoinks – great contest. Maybe I’ll win this one?
looks great.
im in yo!
i like the BIG BOY!
i’ve always love these little guys. good luck to all.
stay puff rules!
sket roolz~!
Did you know?
It’s hot in Topeka.
can they be stack up on each other like those chips?
another cool contest from vinylpulse… you guys are awesome.
Hot Damn! Gimme, Gimme!!
I got a 1 out of 163 chance…I like those odds
Chippy Chip!
Good lord yes!
These are awesome, consider me signed up.
GIVE ME ‘ ‘,
Hook a brutha up!
Whoot! Ci-Boys are awesome.
i’ve always thought these were super-hip. cool giveaway.
closet in dutch gives kast
Wooohoooo… free stuff!
free toys? i love.
Can’t pass up CiBoys, now can we?
I like things that are won.
love them
Not that it’s required, but I recognize:
Bob’s Big Boy, Evil Knievel, Bluto, Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, Tattoo from Fantasy Island (or is it?), Flava Flav, and Tron.
Ci_B thrilled to win!!!
thats a rad idea, thanks to the guys and gals at kid robot and red magic!!!
Sweet, these guys are such the money it ain’t even funny!
how come many people love that ugly toy?
how come many people love that ugly toy?
Don’t you guys and girls want to win those incredibly cool ciboys. With the “oompf, yeah, righton” comments posted you will certainly not get them to display and look cool (in some way). Ill pay for the shipment alright. Who says the Dutch are cheap!
X2 ;)!!!
Pick me!
i need these little pall’s to get more chips at my local casino for good luck……
please let’em support me …
pick moi!
Tron rocks
This will be a great addition to my collection. I will give them a good cubicle home. BOOM SHALOCK
Thanks Sket 1 for the advice via myspace and for brining us “The plane boss, the plane,” and of course the Marshmelow goo of stay puft. Your mad skills shine through and through. Booyakasha!!!!!!!!!!
Sket this are really sweet. Keep up the killer work!
i like sket
Free art, this is a contest i can get into!
hook it up! fresh stuff!
dope! i’m always down for tiny plastic toys.
comment comment comment
aww.. hey cutie toys.
hey ci boys gang. count me
don’t give them to me, i’ll only rub it in everyones faces 😀 only joking GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME GIMME
A la one a la two a la one two three, i want free toys, i want free toys, si que siii…
Quiero esos juguetes!!!
These look fantastic, I really hope I win them.
Here’s my entry ^^
I love sket-one’s work!
OOoo I love free stuff.. Especially 80’s icons free stuff!!
Yeahh! Come to me little boys, this girl knows how to play with Ciboys \(‘.’)/
want ciboys MUST WINNNNNNN
Ich möchte eines haben!
wooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and wot not :p
feel the magnetizm
Best CiBoys yet! I love them!!!
Thanks, I wanna play.
free is the key
is that cab calloway? count me in
O_o >_< *_* >_< O_O
whale fish whale fish…
I think I got a bite!
I’m in
good stuff.
I want in!These would look great in MY collection.
Moi moi moi!!!
anything free would please me:)
Can those toys talk?
good luck to ME!
ya sket one great
Very Nice!!
Shame for all the charming comments I read from other hopefuls because my name is on those things.
That’s the way the cookie crumbles.
I totally want ’em!
i love C.I. Boys!!!
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet looking fellas there.
spammed for seven ci boys. that’s a total no-brainer. i’d do it for just one.
Damn I nearly missed this contest. sket-one is amazing.
nice. sket’s the best!
Gimme gimme gimme…
There can be only one!
count me in!
I want ’em I want ’em I want ’em!!!!
They’re absolultely fantastic!!!
I want ’em I want ’em I want ’em!!!!
They’re absolultely fantastic!!!
yo gabba gabba
yo gabba gabba
yo gabba gabba
oh no!
the yo gabba gabba was me.
I don’t want to get Marcia disqualified.
Something got messed up.
I love free toys!
Free toys, please!
hey there mister candy man, give me those sugary toys
… and thus began the great battle amongst the toy seeking horde. Many fell during that terrible day, but it was the Ultimate Showdown and the CiBoys were in fact seven lucky winners Ultimate Destiny.
(Personally, I’d like to snag either the Tatu or Bluto)
did someone say FREEE ciboys!? weeeeeeee.
my entry
How do I gain access to the Vinyl Pulse Exclusives Store? I signed up for VP update list but didn’t get a username/password? Best Regards – Michael
Great 😀
Please count me in. Thanks for the contest!