These two Transformers Munnys are the latest total conversion customs from REBELSCUM. Bumble Bee and Soundwave were rebooted into 3d vinyl by ROHBY and LIV3R respectively. The standard of excellence for customs continue to rise. REBELSCUM is definitely part of this push for more innovative customs; their heavy use of sculpey to drastically alter a toy’s shape has raised the bar a few notches. It’s also really nice to see the work that went into producing these two Transformers Munnys. Props on a sweet job on these. Next? We’re waiting :-). Hmm… Looking at these makes me want to watch the ‘toon once again (but which one?).
REBELSCUM: Soundwave VS Bumble Bee
6 Replies to “REBELSCUM: Soundwave VS Bumble Bee”
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WOW!!! Bumble Bee’s gotta be on eof the coolest, cleanest, lavish munny i’ve seen!
Great Work ROHBY!
LIV3R always represents!
will these be available for sale anywhere?
do they have a website?
GOOD!! Bravo!! Very nice
this is fucking sick make more transformers these r so nice and they will own u should put the transformers one on the market they will sell alot
H@LY! $H!T -these are m-f-ing awesome! I’d love to carry/feature these and any other works you’d like, on my site! I bow to you!
R.I.P. LIV3R =( Your contributions to this scene were tremendous. Thank you for all of the wonderful work you’ve graced us with.