All the elements of MUTTPOP’s
El Panda figure were in place. Gobi nailed it with the character
design. Monster5 killed it with the sculpt. Jerry brought his "A" game
with the box layout. The Original El Panda figure is complete. So what
else is there? Well, Muttpop HAD to keep things interesting, so they
designed some variant colorways! Jerry Frissen went to work on ten
different colorway designs. Of the ten created, Muttpop decided to go
into further development with FOUR of them. Below you will see
Photoshop mockups of each variant. To best reflect the final look of
the variant figures, Jerry played with the colors over a digital photo
of Original El Panda. Continuing the tradition of dope colorway
descriptions, we unveil to you:
EL PANDA IMPERIAL. What name belongs to each figure below?
Yummy….just look at these "flavors"….makes my mouth water…..Check
back next week for PHOTOS of the Variant Figure Color Samples.
Of the 4, I gotta say El Panda Classico is AMAZING!
I LOVE Mono/B&W colorways… wish more people would do them.
And Muttpop Bob — you’ll be happy to know, I finally picked up Tequila!! 🙂
I like Black Bean, as long as it’s flocked! Classico is good too. Is the star pink? If not, make it pink.
NICE NICE. I LOVE These all. How can I guarantee a passport to get them all?
Muchas Muchas.
Mucha Lucha das Nice…go black bean. With the 2 kozik variants coming up does this mean there will be a total of six different colorways ?
Good job Folks
Yo dude.
Wanted to Big-up your work as always!
All three coloured Tequilas are awaiting their enemy’s on my shelf.
I’m glad you dig Classico.
I always felt the Black & White painted figures had a timeless quality to them.
Thanks for picking up Tequila. I hope you dig the big guy!
There’s no flocking on Black Bean. That was something that we thought of, but we felt that the flock texture would take away from the purity of the sculpted line.
Instead we went with some strategically painted black paint on black, which came out very snazzy.
No “passports” yet. I can’t guarantee anything, but your best bet to be kept in the loop is to join the Muttpop Newletter at .
We’re very selective with our e-mails, but we try our best to keep our fans in the loop with all of the important stuff.
ZAPATOLOCO (great name!):
You’re pretty close on the colorway numbers. Let’s just say we’re being very ambitious with the Panda-man! 🙂
Thanks, man. A true Muttpop supporter!
El Panda(s) will do you proud and give your Tequilas a handful.
I’m glad you guys are digging the variants. Next week will be the unveiling of the actual photos, so be sure to check back!
-Muttpop Bob