Based on the images of El Panda Muttpop revealed in the previous El Panda entry, the Muttpop team asked Monster5 to do the following:
-NO NECK: Although way better than the last
version, Panda’s head is still too high up. Panda should have NO NECK.
Panda’s a fat guy, so fat that his neck is completely covered under
flaps of juicy chin fat. Please get rid of the visible neck. Panda’s
chin should be resting on the top of his chest. -LEAN HEAD FORWARD:
Panda’s starting to look pretty tough now, but to make him look REALLY
MEAN he needs to have his head lean forward a bit more. His forehead
should be the closest part of his head facing towards us. This will
ensure that he can give us a creepy glare once we do our paint
-The hat is on Panda’s head too straight. He wears
his hat with a slight tilt to the left or right. The subtle tilt of the
hat will give Panda a COOLER look…kind of a mix of a beret and a
crooked baseball cap.
-Once again, the current version is a
definite improvement, but Panda’s shoulders need to be bigger!
Remember, he can do a pretty good job holding his own in a fight with Tequila.
He needs BIG SHOULDERS to show he’s STRONG. Think a John Goodman
instead of Chris Farley. They’re both big guys, but you can believe
Goodman could kick your ass (especially if he’s in a Coen Bros. film).
What you see below are changes Monster5 made in response to these
suggestions. Check back next week for more images of these tweaks!
More tweaks you asked??? How could this get any better??? Well, this
hot toy is about to turn sizzling !! Am I the only one around here
having the hots for El Panda???
UNBELIEVABLE!!!! I cant wait until this thing drops!
Man, those improvements made a HUGE difference! He really is shaping up nicely.
I CANNOT WAIT for El Panda!!
I LOVE El Panda!!
Looking good. It’s always cool to see how little tweaks can totally change the appearance of the figure. I think it would be cool to throw in a bit of texture to some of his clothes. Maybe a ribbed texture to the shirt? Kind of looks like that in the concept art. Keep up the good work Muttpop!
lookin goooood…
what material does monster5 use for the sculpts, is it clay? i’ve only experienced sculpey in that skintone colour before so i’m assuming it isn’t that, tho i may be wrong…
keep it coming, can’t wait to see the colour version.
Be patient…El Panda will be here in due time!
Thanks. I was a bit worried that the changes were too subtle to be noticed. We love El Panda too. 🙂
The ribbed texture is an interesting idea, but we didn’t want to distract from the clean lines and round shapes that Monster5 did such an excellent job of capturing.
Monster5 is using a grey toned super sculpey. Although not as common as the beige version, it can be found with a little effort.
Thanks for the feedback, folks!
-Muttpop Bob
These detailed posts showing the work-in-progress are very much appreciated. Big thanks to both VP and the Muttpops.
Muttpop Bob,
Any rough estimate of a release date for El Panda? Obviously things can change but are you shooting for a summer release or later in the year or…?
And did I mention that I LOVE El Panda and CANNOT WAIT for his impending domination of the vinyl art world?
Damn that’s looking badass!
Thanks. We value sharing our experience with you.
El Panda will be released late April/early May. Including El Panda, Muttpop plans to release approximately 3-4 different characters in 2006.
I’m glad you dig.
-Muttpop Bob
Tight. How much will retail be. I got them 2 tequilas joints coming and will be proud owner of them. Dont care bout RAW since I missed it.
All good.
Want the get any and all colorways of them EL PANDAS make more colors of tequila and then make a ring to scale for them to fight!
Your boy in Philly. Z-NAT
The price of El Panda will be comparable to the pricing on Tequila and the Tequila variants.
Thanks for buying Tequila. The El Pandas will look awesome next to our first figure. If you ever make a RING, you HAVE to send us some pics!
-Muttpop Bob
“Including El Panda, Muttpop plans to release approximately 3-4 different characters in 2006.”
I totally can’t wait to see the rest of them! El Panda is lookin’ dope. He’s got serious attitude. Hey, does he carry a copy of the “Red Book”? 😀