News from Singapore. The opening of Adventures in Kitsch’s showroom will hit this Saturday, February 25th from 2pm-6pm. Local artists such as PhuEk, Killer Gerbil, Pixelmunky, Sheryo & Z.e.r.o
will be present doing their thang from 2-5pm. In addition, on display
are 6 GID Munnys and 8 Mad*Ls all doped by awesome artists. Be sure to
stop by to drool over the toys and of course to meet and support the
artists. Designer toys are hitting Singapore like a tidal wave!!!
Adventures in Kitsch Opening
Saturday 25th February,
2pm to 6pm
Citygallery at Basheer Graphic Books,
231 Bain Street,
#04-19 Bras Basah Complex,
Singapore 180231.
Tel: (65) 6336 0810
I see some very Horvath style Ugly Doll faces in that drawing.
i see some very Doze Green style drawings in there too, who are these people? CC?