I love hearing about new happenings from toy companies that have been "silent" for some time. One of those companies is Ching&Co with the announcement of their brand new spiffy website. You might have seen their classic toys Ching Head, Dead Skin and Potato Wheel,
which were released a few years ago. If you missed out on them when
they were initially released, the good news is they are still
available. Now, go and check out their tripped out website and get
reacquainted with their awesome "cast".
The New Ching&Co
2 Replies to “The New Ching&Co”
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hi guys…
love the site… but the link for this article, that should go to Ching & Co’s site, is a Page not Found error… i’d love to see their new site…
thanks so much for everything!
Sweet. Reminds me of Michael Lau’s work.