Tristan Eaton’s Flying Objects solo show opened about a week ago at McCaig-Welles Gallery in Brooklyn and runs through January 6th, 2006. No. L was at the opening and took some amazing pictures which he’s graciously allowed us to feature here. Check out his site for the complete set of Flying Objects pics as well as his other previous excellent show photos!
While the show opened a week ago, Tristan’s paintings are super-tight. I figured a little extra exposure couldn’t hurt! Most of us (including myself) know about Tristan through his toys, but I have to say his paintings are perhaps even more incredible than his vinyl. I could stare at No. L’s pics of Tristan’s work for hours — I’m surprised at how exciting this work is given the fairly muted color palette. Next big purchase: Tristan Eaton Original, but it’s not vinyl… arrrgh, may have to break that "rule". Enjoy the work, and be on the lookout for coverage of Tristan’s joint show with Seen called NOSKOOL, at the Showroom NYC on 1.13.06!
Tris is HANDS DOWN one of the dopest artist out there right now! His work is consitantly AMAZING no matter what field its in…. toys, paintings, graf. He rocks it all, like a true master of his craft!
WOW! I’ve got to check out his art (non-vinyl)
I love this stuff. Very nice!!!
Tristan’s work is truly amazing. For me, his paintings had an old style yet modern cartoon feel. I’m really looking foward to the NOSKOOL show.
Thanks for the props btw! 🙂