For 2006, Toy2R is going to roll out another Qee shape… Spray Qee. These are shots of what appears to be a prototype. This one will be featured in upcoming Qee series. An idea who’s time has come for sure. That’s all for now 😉 Thanks to Raymond for the pics and info.
New Qee Shape for 2006
9 Replies to “New Qee Shape for 2006”
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i’ll be having one of them when they hit the shelves… gonna be some quality graf qee customs on the horizon soon…
keep us posted, will they be releasing templates for this piece?
It’s not like Toy2r originated the idea of a character with a spray nozzle instead of a head – many of Michael Lau’s earliest figures (ie before the Crazychildren madness) utilized that…at that point in time it was truly revolutionary and completely mind-blowing.
and now he makes shoes with feet…
and it is not like Medicom released a Kybrick with Stash
that had 4 spray nozzle heads?
or Medicom did a Bearbrik…
Seems like a step backward… certainly not forward. Kind of tired.
seems like someone is all out of ideas….
Weak… lame…..
It’s nice and I can see some good designs coming froming but, it’s just not original.
Plus I liked the fact that there aren’t many different shapes of Qee. Might aswell be smoothed out Kubricks if they add to many heads.
Exactly. They should be doing more to differentiate themselves from the existing toy design powerhouses like Medicom and Michael Lau (regardless of whether you don’t like his recent work, you can’t deny his impact several years back). Qee should not be taking played out elements of other peoples’ work and remixing them into a new inferior product. For crying out loud, if you can make anything under the sun, why just borrow from other established products? As it is, Qee was riding the fence of being somewhat of a Medicom rip off…they should realize this and make more attempts at being original. Honestly, I think they’ve done amazing work with young artists…I don’t even want to criticize them, but you can’t pass this off as a terrificly original product at all…
Toy2R started out with a knock off Lau figrue, then did that Doctor?
after that Did the Block knockoffs…. then did the Qees… the best thing they did was allow artists to get some exposure.. but really no original designs or Ideas…
the KOZIK stuff looks great, the Rolito Boy is awesome TOUMA ROCKS,but who will be able to get all the billion colorways of Dr Bombs…
I don’t know … I thiink that Ray should Team up with a TOY DESIGNer…. and make some fun TOYS… candles, choclates….