Rolitoboy Mini Book officially launched last weekend at the Design Edge Conference and Expo in Singapore. Rolito
was on hand to sign his book for the crowd of fans. The book contains
52 delicious poisons by 52 artists, (see list below). The book is packaged with a 3 mini figure Good Fellows set, (Antonio, Antonio Jr and Blackhole). Rolitoland toys were also on display. Thanks to Raymond of Toy2R who sent over these pictures of the successful show.
Alfred & Sylvia, Andrew Brandou, Bwing, Carlos Nine,
Chick/Semper-Fi, Christian Montenegro, Dalek, Danyboy/Semper-Fi, Dehara
Yukinori, Fons Schiedon, Furi Furi Company, Gary Baseman, Geneviève
Gauckler, Haze XXL/OXOP, Izumi Iwasa/The Fountain, Jaime hayon,
Jeremyville, El Rotringo, Joe Vaux, Johnny Yanok, Jon Burgerman, Jordin
Isip, Kant1, Kenzi Murabayashi, Kuntzel+Deygas for Colette, La Luciole,
Lewis Trondheim, Elisabeth Mc Grath, Mad Barbarians, Manu larcenet,
Melinda Beck, Mike Burnett, Nanospore, Nathan Jurevicius/Scarygirl,
Nekonoko, Nienke Klunder, Oksana Badrak, Phunkstudio, Rinzen,
Run/Semper-Fi, Sam Hiti, Sarah Mc Colgan, Scien/123Klan, Shinichiro
Kitai/Devilrobots, Stricly kev/Dj Food, Sun Min & David
Horvath/Uglydoll, Sébastien Roux/Superdeux, Tim Biskup, Touma, Wrecks,
JD for Yoyamart, Yuck.
Where can I get one of those books? I hope I dont have to wait and find it on EBAY!
Exactly. I want one now!