Fire-Cat, the second Joe Ledbetter toy from Wheaty Wheat Studios is about to roar onto shelves! Wheaty Wheat took delivery yesterday and both the regular red version (400 pieces) and the blue ice-cat edition (100 pieces) should be in collector’s hands within days. While I love Mr. Bunny, I love Fire-Cat even more. I really love the 2.5D flame as it really emphasizes the 2D in 3D look. In addition, Fire Cat is slightly larger and IMO bigger toys rock. Finally, I’m a sucker for little details and the three tweaked hairs on top of Fire-Cat’s dome are fantastic.
Wondering why Fire-Cat lagged behind Mr. Bunny? Part of the answer is that the original version had a very large and pronounced circular rotocast "vent" smack dab in the middle of Fire-Cat’s back. The production version has been redesigned with an extra flat piece attached to the back to cover the vent. The result is an almost completely smooth and flat rear. While I would have been happy with either version, I’m glad WWS took the time to redesign the figure.
Anyone see these for sale let me know! ICE versions!