In addition to the dope designer 10-inch Trexis coming soon from Play Imaginative, they have also announced a 10-inch blank DIY 10-inch Trexi that comes with a smaller blank 3" Trexi which fits inside the larger figure. The packaging is simple yet effective; free the Trexis! Dropping in late December, this should add some spice to the larger scale DIY/customs scene with a new shape full of possibilities enhanced by the fig inside a fig feature.
10-inch DIY Trexi
4 Replies to “10-inch DIY Trexi”
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Ooooh I can’t wait to F#*% this up to a Custom!
Sweet fig PLAY!.
Oh My God! I’ve died and gone to vinyl heaven!
PhuEktastic!…kool can’t wait to custom on them 😛
woh this looks mad, i just customised a bunch of the original figures for, and was thinking ” this would be mad on a bigger figure “, and now they are on the way.
Lookin forward to that one.