Meredith Dittmar – Available Online
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Meredith Dittmar creates amazing "3d doodles". Her My Guys are quirky and lovable polymer clay creations. Over the last 10 years, Meredith has created over 10 thousand unique My Guys which have been "adopted" by a growing legion of fans and collectors. Sales of Original My Guys and open-edition Clones will resume this fall from her site CorporatePig. In addition to the individual figures, Meredith also creates striking dioramas featuring complete scenes made up of multiple figures and lovely backgrounds. Wanna see these up close and personal? Meredith Dittmar has upcoming shows at Wootini (North Carolina – October), Schmancy (Seattle – December).
Meredith’s figures are great! A couple of them live at my house.
I agree! I was oogling them at Wootini, really nicely done. Very impressive that she can do so many all by hand and have them come out well!
Aaaw man so much happening overseas!
I saw these a while back and keep meanign to get some, wish I could come to the show they look awesome!