Tired of bland and generic greeting cards? Check out this series of 10 spiffy Devilrobots greeting cards brought to you by the nice folks at Play Imaginative. Each card will be sold individually for a retail price of $5 to $6 (exact price TBD). Unlike many other card sets, these are themed — Birthday, Christmas, etc. The cards are on laminated glossy paper and have interior messages and graphics. Tofu head and robot goodness is splashed across these cards! Quite a few of these designs are amusingly charming and all have the distinct Devilrobots style. Three designs are available now directly from Play with the remainder to be released on a regular basis. Also, be on the lookout for future card series from Play.
Hi just wondering is it legal for Play Imaginative to use Devilrobots work without notice?
As far as I know, Play Imaginative has a license from Devil Robots for these cards. It seems that you are jumping to hasty and incorrect conclusions. Also, next time you want to post a comment please do so once — no need to post the same thing as two separate IDs.
Rest assured that we have Devilrobots approval and permission to produce these cards because we worked with them on these.
man if these were done without permission we would be rollig in the money, cause these babes going like hotcakes