David Horvath: Sharpie Series Decks from Monkey Skateboard Co.

Thanks to Mike from Monkey Skateboard, we have news about their brand spankin’ new Sharpie
Series Skate Decks.  The first set is done by the master of all things Ugly, David Horvath. This is the first set out of 4 sets in the new Sharpie deck series.  Each set will feature 25 hand-drawn decks from the set’s artist (two of David’s got damaged in the rain so he now has  23). Cursed Rain! The decks will come with the Sharpie marker that was used to draw the graphics.  David did an amazing job to make each deck different and original.

How To Get One:

WHEN: Monday September 26th at 10:00 am Pacific Standard time
WHERE: themonkeystore.com.
HOW: Be ready decks will go live on the site right at 10:00 am – will ship same day.

The decks will sell for $125 each — rather reasonable considering these are hand-done one-offs.  Stay tuned to find out who the other three artists are who are part of this series.

I’m really excited about these decks — it’s a great chance to get original art on a slick medium from some really talented artists.   There’s something pure and attractive abou the bare wood — I almost prefer the "nude" look to a heavily painted design.  Props to Monkey Skateboards and the participating artists for this fresh approach to decks and urban art.

David Horvath Set of the Sharpie Series (# 1-23: l to r, t to b)

3 Replies to “David Horvath: Sharpie Series Decks from Monkey Skateboard Co.”

  1. These decks look awesome, what a great idea. How do you go aboutt getting a specific board? Is there a price on these yet? Thanks Monkey for another cool product. Keeping my fingers crossed for a Biskup series.

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